About official DigiBook

"Official DigiBook", the e-publishing platform which makes the most of what digitalization entails is an e-book with a realistic page-flipping function. It enables you not only to store images but also to record and play sounds and video. Use DigiBook® to collect tons of Official DigiBooks! !

What is a Official Digibook?
DigiBook is an e-book that you load into DigiBook® and view like a regular Album. You can customize them and have for example sound playback when flipping pages or the ability to view not only images but also videos, DigiBook provides you with digital contents of the next generation with all the appeal of the digital world.

What types of Official DigiBooks are there?
We have a wide variety of Official DigiBooks, from those of Japanese celebrities to fun picture books with sounds, and for car lovers, we even have a series of DigiBooks on car graphics (CG).

How do I view a Official DigiBook?
Download a Official DigiBook from the website, open the file to load it into DigiBook®. The program will automatically be launched. Just click on the spine to open the DigiBook and flip pages just like a regular Album.