Settings and Arrangement-Select a Single Album Spine

Edit Bookcover
If you select "Edit Bookcover", you can change its design. You can add images or text to the Bookcover.

Karuta Style
This is to cover your desktop with your Album images.

Issue a DigiBook
You can instantly change your album into a DigiBook Style. The first image in your album will be used as a bookcove of DigiBook.

What is DigiBook?

Album Arrangement
You can arrange your Album as follows.
You can sort the images in the Album by file names, file size, or file date in descending or ascending order.
Tidy Album
This is to delete empty frames and pages.
Format Conversion of All Images
Album images are converted into the following formats.

Convert All Images to JPEG
This will convert all images in the Album to JPEG.

Convert All Images to JPEG2000
This will convert all images in the Album to JPEG2000.

Convert All Images to PNG
This will convert all images in the Album to PNG.

Convert All Images to GIF
This will convert all images in the Album to GIF.

Convert All Images to BMP
This will convert all images in the Album to BMP.

You can change the number of pages with the up and down arrows in the "Change Number of Pages" dialog box.

*Note that some pages containing images can be deleted after adjustment.

Change Number of Pages
This is to increase or decrease the number of Album pages. Be careful at the number of pages you decrease as you might delete pages containing images if you decrease too many.

Divide into 2 Albums
This will divide 1 Album into 2 Albums. With the Up and Down arrows, designate the page where you wish to separate (the number you enter will be the last page of the first book, and the pages that follow will be part of the second book), click on "OK". You will have the original album ending at the separating page, and a second album with an "@" on the original album name.

Combine Albums
This will combine 2 Albums into 1 Album.

Recreate All Thumbnails
This is to recreate all the thumbnails in the Album.
Relocate Data
This is to relocate your Album images to an external folder.
If the data is a link, data will be transferred to a DigiBook® folder.

Move Album(s) to Another Bookshelf
This will move your Album to another Bookshelf.

Duplicate Album
This is to duplicate the album as is, or converted into another format.

* Duplicate in the current format
* Convert to JPEG
* Convert to JPEG2000